Physical address:
5 Shore Dr
Wilson, NY 14172
43° 18.97' N
78° 50.05'W
When you see this sign, you're there!
Tuscarora Yacht Club is situated on Clark Island and its adjoining shoreline at 5 Shore Drive – a circular extension of Park Street, the 300 yard lane that runs west past the northern border of Greenwood Cemetery off Route NY18 (Harbor Street). You’ve arrived when you come to the beautiful Clark Island stone marker. The club is gated for vehicles; visitors are encouraged to park in our spacious lot just outside the gate and walk down the hill and over the bridge to the island.
TYC’s popular facility is closer than many people may think. We are within an hour’s drive from the Rochester area, Ontario’s Niagara Region and most of Buffalo’s Southtowns. If the drive is a concern or you think that Wilson is "just too far", we encourage you to visit TYC sometime soon to check us out. Enter your location for the best driving directions, mileage and estimated travel time.